A decade beset by rising inflation and seemingly endless strikes. Government tackled power cuts and the three-day week at one end of the decade and struggled against a ‘winter of discontent’ at the other. It was a decade of increased political awareness when ‘women’s libbers’ and teenage punks were fighting for social change. But the 1970s was also a decade of frivolity and fun. Rising standards of living meant working families could holiday on the Costa del Sol. Teenagers had plenty of pocket money to spend on glam or glitter pop albums and the whole family could sit down together and watch some of the greatest British TV of all time.
The Exhibition includes:
At an affordable cost (£700 for 8 week loan), we include twelve A1 foamex text panels. All panels include a QR code guiding visitors to complementary information. The panels explore:
o Glam and Gloom: 1970s’ Britain
o Strikes and the Three-Day Week
o Glam Rock and Glitter Pop
o Weenyboppers and Teenyboppers
o Women’s Lib and Spare Rib
o Television in the 1970s
o The 1976 Heatwave
o Punk Rock
o The Silver Jubilee
o Rock Against Racism
o The Winter of Discontent
o ‘70s Christmas

The exhibition also includes a selection of eye-catching image montage panels, together with a sizeable collection of 1970s artefacts including the iconic Space Hopper and platform boots. Also included are rare board games inspired by historic events such as decimalization and the Miss World competition. Sex Pistols memorabilia is offered alongside a Royal Doulton ‘loving cup’ commemorating Margaret Thatcher as Britain’s first female prime minister.
For an additional fee, why not augment your display with eye-catching image-only panels or foamex cut-outs of a Space Hopper or a Raleigh Chopper Bike or a Giant Platform Shoe? Or create a ‘70s vibe with a compilation soundtrack. A poster design is also available for over-printing.
Hiring Information
o The hirer is responsible for the collection and return of the exhibition. If preferred, The Exhibitours will deliver and collect for an agreed fee.
o The hirer is responsible for insuring the exhibition
o The hirer is responsible for providing secure display cases for artefacts on loan
Hire Fees:
£700 for 8 week loan period
£70 per week for additional weeks.