About Us

Welcome to The Exhibitours. We specialise in providing high quality affordable exhibitions for small and medium size museums, galleries and arts venues. With a focus on 20th century social history, art and design, our exhibitions are appealing and stimulating. They engage young and old alike, helping them to learn about the past and the world we live in now!

Each exhibition includes illustrated text panels, a selection of original artefacts and label text for all exhibits. For some exhibitions QR codes are also available, providing stimulating film footage-links along with attention-grabbing cut-outs of iconic objects and compilation soundtracks.

The Exhibitours also work with curators, collectors and contemporary artists including sculptors, painters, photographers, art jewellers and more. Working together we produce great-looking and thought-provoking touring shows and exhibitions for designated galleries.

Got an idea? We’d love to hear from you!