Still reeling from the turbulence of the Thatcher years, in 1990 Britain welcomed a new prime minister – the affable John Major, who was satirised for being dull and having a passion for peas!
While economic gloom, war and royal scandals beset the early nineties, this pivotal decade saw the world wide web and information superhighway’ transform our daily lives. For the first time since the ‘swinging’ sixties, the music, fashion, art and film of Cool Britannia dominated the cultural world! Children jettisoned Care Bears in favour of Tamogotchis and Bart Simpson told us to eat our shorts!
Following a landslide victory for the Labour Party in 1997, Tony Blair’s Britain was born. Months later the nation mourned the death of the People’s Princess and as the decade drew to a close, we welcomed in a new millennium with a spirit of optimism and a chorus of Auld Lang Syne.

The Exhibition Includes:
At an affordable cost (£700 for 8 week loan), we include twelve A1 foamex text panels. All panels include a QR code guiding visitors to complementary information. The panels explore:
o Cool Britannia: Britain in the 1990s
o Decade of Opportunity
o Annus Horibilis
o Closer to Europe
o The Digital Decade
o Game On!
o Blair’s Britain is born
o 1990s’ TV
o Britpop
o Cool Britannia
o The People’s Princess
o The New Millennium
A list of artefacts, details of how to layout the display, and exhibition labels are provided for all exhibits. Hirers are welcome to add to the display from their own collection.
Hiring Information:
o The hirer is responsible for the collection and return of the exhibition. If preferred, The Exhibitours will deliver and collect for an agreed fee.
o The hirer is responsible for insuring the exhibition
o The hirer is responsible for providing secure display cases for artefacts on loan
Hire Fees
£700 for 8 week loan period
£70 per week for additional weeks